What Ya Want?
What ya want? The infamous question every man asks a woman knowing full well what the answer will be. "I don't care." "Whatever you...

I Don't Do Anything
"But I don't do anything." I cannot tell you how many times I have said this over the last 11 years. It has been the beginning line of...

Challenging Reads
I am an avid reader. One of my favorite parts of our family vacations growing up was the car ride because I got to buy a new book for the...

Family & Ministry: Together or Separate?
This is one of the top questions we have as ministry families. I think this relates to anyone with a career and a family but ministry is...

Wanna go on a journey...
About a year ago I had the idea to start a 'space' for women who like me, work in full time ministry. I shook it off thinking that it was...